ASTQuery is the simple idea of applying CSS selectors on Abstract Syntax Tree.
Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) is constructed by parsing i/p text stream for tokens and organizing tokens as a tree of Terminal nodes and NonTerminal nodes. Typically, Terminal nodes are leaf nodes holding a token of symbols from input stream. And NonTerminals are intermediate nodes that are constructed using other intermediate and leaf nodes.
After parsing input text into AST, tree processing and/or transformation algorithms are applied. There are two popular techniques used to parse symbols of text and convert them to AST, one is using LALR technique and the other is using Parser Combinator. For our case we are going to use parser-combinator technique, more specifically we will be using a golang implementation of parser combinator, goparsec.
Composing a parser using goparsec
Below code is in go-language with which goparsec is
authored. We shall compose a parser using goparsec to parse a well formed
HTML text, if you are keen to understand how the parser is composed please
refer to its godoc-site. Going forward it is enough
to assume that makehtmly
constructs and returns a HTML parser function
that can be used to parse a well formed HTML text.
func makehtmly(ast *AST) Parser {
var tag Parser
// terminal parsers.
tagobrk := Atom("<", "OT")
tagcbrk := Atom(">", "CT")
tagcend := Atom("/>", "CT")
tagcopen := Atom("</", "CT")
equal := Atom(`=`, "EQ")
single := Atom("'", "SQUOTE")
double := Atom(`"`, "DQUOTE")
tagname := Token(`[a-zA-Z0-9]+`, "TAGNAME")
attrname := Token(`[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+`, "ATTRNAME")
attrval1 := Token(`[^\s"'=<>`+"`]+", "ATTRVAL1")
attrval2 := Token(`[^']*`, "ATTRVAL2")
attrval3 := Token(`[^"]*`, "ATTRVAL3")
entity := Token(`&#?[a-bA-Z0-9]+;`, "ENTITY")
text := Token(`[^<]+`, "TEXT")
doctype := Token(`<!doctype[^>]+>`, "DOCTYPE")
// parse tag attributes
attrunquoted := ast.And(
"attrunquoted", nil, attrname, equal, attrval1,
attrsingleq := ast.And(
"attrsingleq", nil, attrname, equal, single, attrval2, single,
attrdoubleq := ast.And(
"attrdoubleq", nil, attrname, equal, double, attrval3, double,
attr := ast.OrdChoice(
"attribute", nil, attrsingleq, attrdoubleq, attrunquoted, attrname,
attrs := ast.Kleene("attributes", nil, attr, nil)
// parse tags
tagopen := ast.And("tagopen", nil, tagobrk, tagname, attrs, tagcbrk)
tagclose := ast.And("tagclose", nil, tagcopen, tagname, tagcbrk)
// parse tags and text
content := ast.OrdChoice("content", nil, entity, text, &tag)
contents := ast.Maybe(
"maybecontents", nil, ast.Kleene("contents", nil, content, nil),
// parse HTML text
tagempty := ast.And("tagempty", nil, tagobrk, tagname, attrs, tagcend)
tagproper := ast.And("tagproper", nil, tagopen, contents, tagclose)
tag = ast.OrdChoice("tag", nil, doctype, tagempty, tagproper)
return ast.Kleene("html", nil, tag, nil)
With above parser let us try to parse as simple html text:
<body> <h1>My First Heading</h1> <p>My first paragraph.</p> </body>
Following code, again authored in go-language, parses data
that contain
the html text using the ast-object
. After the call to Parsewith()
ast-object will hold on to the root node of the parse tree. We can use the
Dotstring() method to generate a graph-visualization for the entire parse
tree. Note that in the constructed parser we use goparsec’s Terminal
and NonTerminal types for leaf nodes and intermediate nodes.
ast := NewAST("html", 100)
y := makehtmly(ast)
s := NewScanner(data).TrackLineno()
ast.Parsewith(y, s)
graph := ast.Dotstring("simplehtml")
Parse tree constructed using our parser for the example html text is rendered below. This tree is called Abstract Syntax Tree.
Nodes and attributes
Now that we have got an example Abstract Syntax Tree to play with, let us turn our attention to nodes within the Abstract Syntax Tree and explore what it is made of.
In general, irrespective of the language used to parse the text, AST should be made of NonTerminal nodes (intermediate nodes) and Terminal nodes (leaf nodes). Nodes can either be a Terminal node or a NonTerminal node, also called as leaf-node or intermediate-node. Typically, leaf-nodes are parsed by tokenizers and intermediate-nodes are parsed by combinators. In the Lex-and-Yacc parlance, we can say that leaf-nodes are parsed by lexers and intermediate-nodes are parsed by yaccer.
First step in AST Query is to enable algorithms to walk through the tree,
and, subsequently algorithms should be able to query each node for matchable
selectors. To facilitate this, let us attach some behaviors to Terminal and
NonTerminal nodes and call the collection of behaviors as Queryable
// Queryable interface to be implemented by all nodes, both terminal
// and non-terminal nodes within Abstract Syntax Tree.
type Queryable interface {
// GetValue return parsed text, if node is NonTerminal it will
// concat the entire sub-tree for parsed text and return the same.
GetValue() string
// GetChildren relevant only for NonTerminal node.
GetChildren() []Queryable
// SetAttribute with a value string, can be called multiple times for the
// same attrname.
SetAttribute(attrname, value string) Queryable
// GetAttribute for attrname, since more than one value can be set on the
// attribute, return a slice of values.
GetAttribute(attrname string) []string
// GetAttributes return a map of all attributes set on this node.
GetAttributes() map[string][]string
There are two aspects to a node that are important for selector
- Name, name of the node, node names are case-insensitive, should begin with English alphabet, and contain only alphanumeric characters.
- Attributes, any number of attributes can be attached to a node. Node attributes are case-insensitive, should begin with English alphabet, and contain only alphanumeric characters.
node name
Each node in the syntax-tree, that are constructed using the same tokenizer or combinator, can be given a unique name. For instance, with goparsec:
equal := parsec.Atom(`=`, "EQUAL") // parse comma as a terminal token.
The second argument EQUAL
is the name of the tokenizer. And all nodes
constructed using this tokenizer will be named as EQUAL
Similarly, to construct nonterminal-node tagopen
tagopen := ast.And("tagopen", nil, tagobrk, tagname, attrs, tagcbrk)
The first argument to the And
combinator is the name of this combinator.
And all intermediate-nodes constructed using this combinator will be named
as tagopen
node attributes
The second aspect of a node is its attributes
. Each node can have any
number of attributes attached to a node. Some attributes are automatically
attached by tokenizers and combinators, these are called default-attributes,
while others can be attached using the Queryable API SetAttribute().
In some sense, node attributes can be seen as {key,[]value} properties of a
node, where key is the node’s attribute-name and value is the
attribute-value. Since more than one value can be set for the same attribute
we are denoting it as []value
(array of value).
Default attributes
class attribute
Every node carry at least one class attribute. If it is intermediate-node,
its class
attribute is set to nonterm
. If it is leaf-node,
its class
attribute is set to term
. User specified values for class
attribute should start with English character and contain - alphabets,
numbers, hyphen and underscore.
value attribute
Every node has an underlying value which is a sub-set of parsed input-text.
For a leaf-node, value
is the text matched by the regular-expression
used in tokenizer. For a intermediate-node, value
is concatenation
of all leaf-nodes’ values descending from that intermediate-node.
User attributes can be programmatically accessed using Queryable
behavior. More specifically, APIs like GetAttribute(), GetAttributes()
and SetAttribute() can be used for accessing node’s attributes.
Among the user-attributes, id attribute is treated as special. Because,
like class, there is a short-hand notation for id. Similar to class
attribute, user specified value for id
attribute should start with
English character, and contain - alphabets, numbers, hyphen and underscore.
Selector syntax for querying AST
Scope of AST Query is to query syntax-tree for desired set of nodes, the query
result, if successful, will return an iterable on selected nodes. In that
sense, AST query is simply a selector
specification into syntax-tree,
similar to CSS selectors
into HTML DOM.
Once we are comfortable with the concepts of, syntax-tree
, leaf-node
, name
, attributes
, value
, and class
, we can
use CSS like selector syntax to query for nodes within the Abstract Syntax
To begin with, let us query for all textual content found in the our example HTML.
ch := make(chan Queryable, 100)
go ast.Query("TEXT", ch)
for node := range ch {
// Output:
// My First Heading
// My first paragraph.
Note that node-name is equivalent to html tag-name
To query for all terminal nodes, which actually make up the entire HTML input
other than white space, we can use the class
ch := make(chan Queryable, 100)
go ast.Query(".term", ch)
for node := range ch {
fmt.Printf("%s", node.GetValue())
// Output:
// <html><body><h1>My First Heading</h1><p>My first paragraph.</p></body></html>
Let us try somthing more fancy. We will fetch an example site’s landing page and gather all the hyper-links found there.
ast := NewAST("html", 100)
y := makehtmly(ast)
resp, _ := http.Get("")
data, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
s := NewScanner(data).TrackLineno()
ast.Parsewith(y, s)
ch := make(chan Queryable, 100)
go ast.Query("attrunquoted,attrsingleq,attrdoubleq", ch)
for node := range ch {
cs := node.GetChildren()
if cs[0].GetValue() != "href" {
if len(cs) == 3 {
} else {
Full-list of selector specification
Selector | Example | Description
.class | .term | Selects all terminal nodes.
#id | #firstname | Selects the node with
| | id="firstname".
* | * | Selects all nodes.
node, | comma | Selects all `comma` nodes.
node, node | comma, equal | Selects all `comma` nodes and
| | all `equal` nodes.
node node | attr equal | Selects all `equal` nodes inside
| | `attr`.
node > node | tag > tagname | Selects all `tagname` node where
| | the parent is a `tag` node.
node + node | oanglebrkt + tagname | Selects all `tagname` node that
| | are placed immediately after
| | `oanglebrkt` elements.
node ~ node | tagname ~ canglebrkt | Selects every `tagname` node that
| | are preceded by `canglebrkt` node.
[attribute] | [ignore] | Selects all nodes with a
| | ignore attribute.
[attribute=value] | [title=xyz] | Selects all nodes whose `title`
| | attribute value is `xyz`.
[attribute~=value] | [title~=flower] | Selects all nodes with a `title`
| | attribute containing the word
| | `flower`.
[attribute^=value] | tagname[title^=in] | Selects every `tagname` node
| | whose title attribute value
| | begins with `in`.
[attribute$=value] | file[path$=.pdf] | Selects every `file` node whose
| | path attribute ends with `.pdf`.
[attribute*=value] | file[path*=usr|opt] | Selects every `file` node whose
| | path attribute value matches
| | regular expression `usr|opt`
:empty | file:empty | Selects every `file` node that
| | has no children.
:first-child | comma:first-child | Selects every `comma` node that
| | is the first child of its parent.
:first-of-type | comma:first-of-type | Selects every `comma` node that
| | is the first `comma` node of
| | its parent.
:last-child | comma:last-child | Selects every `comma` node that
| | is the last child of its parent.
:last-of-type | comma:last-of-type | Selects every `comma` node that
| | is the last `comma` node of its
| | parent.
:nth-child(n) | comma:nth-child(2) | Selects every `comma` node that
| | is the second child of its
| | parent.
:nth-last-child(n) | eq:nth-last-child(2) | Selects every `eq` node that
| | is the second child of its
| | parent, counting from the last
| | child.
:nth-last-of-type(n) | eq:nth-last-of-type(2)| Selects every `eq` node that
| | is the second `eq` node of
| | its parent, counting from the
| | last child.
:nth-of-type(n) | eq:nth-of-type(2) | Selects every `eq` node that
| | is the second `eq` node of
| | its parent.
:only-of-type | comma:only-of-type | Selects every `comma` node that
| | is the only `comma` node of its
| | parent.
:only-child | comma:only-child | Selects every `comma` node that
| | is the only child of its parent.