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JS: Javascript in a nutshell

I like languages that can be explained within few pages of a book. Besides C, Lua, Erlang - Javascript is one such language to have that simplicity. This post is a quick reference guide to javascript, highlighted through examples and all of them can be found here.


All languages are defined as collection of tokens and tokens are normally classified as literals, keywords, operators or identifiers. Literals are data-objects that are hard-coded in the program, they are baked into the language for sake of efficiency.

Other than primitive types - Number, String, Boolean, rest of them are javascript objects. Javascript Object is the parent type for all user-defined types. Supports constructor pattern, prototype inheritance etc…


Keywords are special tokens that give additional structure to the program. Following is a basic set of keywords in Javascript

Note that typeof is unreliable in most implementation of Javascript. It is better to use - Object.prototype.toString(10) to retrieve the type of an object, although you will have to process the returned string to remove the prefix.

To remove a property name from object, use delete instead of assigning null.

Keywords that add conditional structure,

Only the ternary operator can be treated as expression rest every thing are statements.

Keywords that add looping structure,

All keywords that add looping structure are to be treated as statements.

Now let us move on to operators. While literals bake data values directly into the language, for the sake of efficiency, operators are functions on data values that are baked into the language.


Keep in mind that Javascript does lot of implicit type-coercion.


There is no real way to compare equality of non-primitive objects and in many cases it is better to stick with === instead of ==. Former compares for both value and type, while the later compares only the value.


Bit wise operators

Comments on the right side explain the output by demonstrating the operation in binary-format. Conceptually, the bit-wise logical operators work as follows:

If you are a C programmer, you might already be knowing the difference between between arithmetic >> and logical >>> right shift. Otherwise, just remember the following points,

Looks like bit-wise operations on large integers are left undefined in Javascript.

Assignment operators

Normally assignments are statement in many languages. In Javascript an assignment is treated like an expression, and based on the scope of the expression, the context where the side effects are created varies. It is explained in a separate section below.

There is also membership operator . that can be used to access property names on objects.


Javascript is weakly typed. Please note that values and objects in Javascript are strongly typed and values are always associated with same type. It is the reference to values that are weakly typed - in the sense that same variable name can refer to different types of value while the program is executing. It also means that programmers can interpret a variable as particular type which can be wrong and it is difficult to catch this problem at compile time.

In the end of above gist, we demonstrate two other ways of creating a number-value 10 and n === m give false because the former is number-type while the later is object-type.

Function and scope

Following gist shows some name-resolution gymnastics with javascript functions.

In javascript functions are the only means of code-abstraction and thereby only form of scoping available for programmers. By default every function act as a closure, making its local namespace available for enclosed function definitions. And only those functions that are enclosed within the scope of an outer-function can access the outer function’s local namespace.

Make a note that parent function’s namespaces are only referred by enclosed function, parent function’s namespace is not copied to enclosed function’s namespace.

Function arguments can be accessed within a function like,

And some gymnastics with scope.

It is always a good practice to declare variables with var, so that it gets contained in the enclosing scope. Javascript can hoists declarations, that is, both var statements and function declarations will be moved to the top of the enclosing scope.

Name resolution order,

Another thing about scoping is that there is only one global namespace. That is Javascript does not have the notion of modules, hence everything is executed in the context of the same single global namespace.


Since Javascript is byte-code interpreted language, program text can be parsed compiled to virtual-machine byte code and executed on the fly.

A curious aspect here is that even statements like if blocks are executed as expression and value is returned. Note that it is not legal to do a = if(true) {100} else {200} in your .js file or under <script> tag of html.

Normally eval function will execute the script in the local-scope of the caller. However, it only executes in the local scope when called directly.