Miles to go ...

Pagd: Custom directives

Read this article to know how to set up your blog site with pagd and host it using github. Rest of the article explain couple of restructured directives that can be used while authoring articles and generating a site with pagd.

Source code highlighting

If you are a programmer or some-one who wants to author articles about programming and languages - it is likely that you will be including snippets of code in your article. In such cases wrap your code-snippets with code-block rst-directive, like,

.. code-block:: c

    void myfunc(void) {
        int i = 10;
        printf("%d %d %d %d %x ", i++, --i, ++i, ++i, i++ );

While generating your web site using pagd, above block of code will be rendered like,

void myfunc(void) {
    int i = 10;
    printf("%d %d %d %d %x ", i++, --i, ++i, ++i, i++ );

Youtube directive

There were many occasions we wanted to refer you-tube links that can play inside our page. For such occasions,

.. youtube:: 7-qGKqveZaM

You can also apply custom styling for Youtube widgets in your site my modifying the CSS styling for div.rst-youtube selectors inside media/myblog.css file.

Let us say you have a bunch of charts that you would like to present them as image gallery for your readers,

.. gallery:: My collection of charts

pagd uses magnific-popup jquery plugin to show image galleries within HTML pages. They have excellent documentation and there are many ways to customize the plugin - which you can learn from their project site. There is also a bunch of CSS selectors that are available in media/myblog.css with which you can do some basic customization as well.

Gist directive

If you have code gist in github and you want to embed them inside your article, use the following directive,

.. gist:: prataprc/5843946.js

Where prataprc is the user-name and it will expand to full URL -

To include a specific file from the gist,

.. gist:: prataprc/5843946.js?file=caveat7.js

This will embed only caveat7.js file inside your article.